“Paying attention to what you are in the midst of” is a reflective practice that is cultivated through repetition, paying attention, and reflection. Like any practice, paying attention is not a skill that you can immediately acquire simply by reading about it. Paying attention is cultivated and developed through practice and dedication. Most importantly, it requires time. You need to actually do it, and learn through doing it and reflecting on what happened to you as you did it. Paying attention produces self-awareness. Self-awareness is required of all professionals.
The exercise is designed to help you to think through what you are in the midst of and to engage in this important practice of self-reflection or “paying attention.”
Activity Type: Reflective journals
Types of Interaction:
Learner and Content: Other
Learner and Context: Other
Learner and Support: Learners, Other
Activity Structure: Individual
Bloom Taxonomy Level: Remembering, Understanding , Creating
Discipline: Arts and Humanities
Author/Source Name: Thompson Rivers University Open Learning
Author/Source Email: learningactivities@tru.ca
Creative Commons License: CC-BY-SA Attribution + ShareAlike
Image: "Reflective" by John https://www.flickr.com/photos/mtsofan/31823385728